What dogs would buy

Buddy lies in his bed sleeping.

I am entering the kitchen. Buddy raises an ear.

I am opening the fridge. Buddy lifts his head.

I am unlocking a storage box. Buddy drools.


It doesn`t really matter what is in that box. To be very honest, anything eatable is a reason for Buddy to get excited. He loves eating. And he would eat almost everything we could give to him.

But in theory, if he had the chance to decide, what food would he buy for himself?


In case you have read our latest book recommendation, you most likely will already come to the conclusion that 95% of convenient dry or canned dog food - consisting of inedible waste from questionable sources made edible by a wide and creative range of chemical additives - would not be his first choice.


If we were to guess, we would go for this:

  • a big bowl of meat for energy and body recovery
  • quite some bowels because they are super tasty and contain tons of vitamins
  • carbohydrates to feel happy and full after dinner
  • veggies that make a soft fur and skin and support digestion
  • and as desert he would order some yoghurt with banana because that dish always makes his day


Looking at our big boy we have to admit he most likely would want his meat a bit decayed, would prefer it still hanging on a big bone, would want to dig out his veggies himself on our walk along the farmlands and would love his dish topped with the neighbours` cat which he would swallow in one.

So if its about Buddy`s preferences, this is what he would really want to get. Real food, no conservatives, no storage, no processing.


Unfortunately ...

...that cat is really loved by its family,

...the farmer wants to sell his veggies for good money,

...we are not big fans of rotten smelly meat in our kitchen,

...and eating bones can also be pretty dangerous for dogs.

So because in today`s society it is not appropriate for dogs to chew away at cats, eat vegetables with dirt still on them and all the things we might find disgusting, we have to make sure, our dogs get what they need by tricking a little.

The solution are supplements. The one`s from reliable sources, with pure ingredients.

That`s also a bit "convenient" food in a way. But hey, we` ll go for that, at least until we have moved to a big old farm, where Buddy can actually live the life of his dreams. Apart from eating cats maybe...