Offer a piece of banana to a dog for the first time.
He will sniff it from every angle, lick it just with the tip of his tongue, sniff again, put it in the mouth and check on your reaction. If you`re not immediately bursting into frenetic cheers, he will spit it out again, sniff it once more, think it through for a
moment, check if somebody else is around who would potentially steal it, and take it with pointed teeth - just because he trusts, you`re not gonna poison him AND because, in the end, it`s food.
Soon enough though, you might have an addict, sneaking ninja-like into the kitchen whenever there is the sweet soft sound of a banana peel popping quietly open.
Bananas are among the most common fruits in our supermarkets. Nothing special in sight so far. I mean, a banana isn`t super sexy, right? Rating just slightly above the apple but still below the
In everyday life we know it to be an easy snack especially during sports as quick help against muscle
cramps. And if you go fancy, with just few more ingredients it makes a delicious desert. So that`s it? Why should it be worth then, feeding it to our dogs?
Let`s zoom in and have a look at the nutritional details:
For the muscles the banana can indeed be a real lifesaver by an impressive amount of magnesium. But this
yellow pal contains so much more...
...367mg calium per 100g banana for example. Forget about rice, no chance for beef, the banana simply
sweeps them all away. Calium is a regular need in our food. As much as our body can do, neither producing nor storing calium is part of its core competencies. That`s why the banana needs to step
in, to control our blood pressure and energize our cells.
Another mineral the banana thows around is manganese. Not meat nor fish can beat her 258 microgramm of
that fancy mineral. Fancy because manganese heats up the cells and makes us - same as our
dogs - feel tempted to get in motion, run, jump, play and go wild.
And last but not least with her immune system super power combination of vitamine c and zinc, carefully
wrapped in and protected by its yellow natural skin cover, she boosts the health with antioxidative effects.
In a nutshell, ehm, a banana peel, this means that bananas are surely a dependable energy booster. But with their mix of various minerals in large quantities, bananas are also the perfect food to
support your nerves and muscles, especially the biggest and most important muscle we have. Our heart.
All these amazing fruity benefits we by the way do completely share with our dogs.
And why will they love bananas that much, when our dogs are otherwise not exactly known
gourmets? The mushy texture might be part of it. But, well... also because the yellow allrounder contains a full 20g carbohydrats. Which means sugar!
So don`t hesitate to use bananas as food components or treats for your dog. But keep it special, don`t
overdo it. They will get addicted anyway. Wouldn`t it be a really nice picture to see all of us share our banana every now and then with our dogs? I am pretty sure you will get a
Want to know more about how to include fruit in general or bananas in special in your dogs` diet?
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