It`s been quiet around buddy goes bananas for a while now. As has it been in our home and our hearts.
With infinitely deep sadness we experienced the last weeks trying to understand, accept and somehow
survive the fact that Buddy was pulled out of our life from one day to the other.
The very sudden loss of our kind-hearted giant left us behind in shock and we are painfully missing him every second.
We know he didn`t have to suffer long.
We know we couldn`t have changed it, there was nothing for us to do to save him.
And we know he had the best years we could have given him. His life in our family was filled with love, sun, rest, play and joy, with deep friendship and trust.
We hope it was enough to make up for the life he had to live before.
Still it definitely was not long enough for us. There are no words explaining how empty days can feel when there is a part of your heart gone missing.
But in the end, at the bottom of our hearts, we know it was enough. Enough time to love him and to be loved back. To have collected an endless reservoir of perfect moments we will remember forever. And hopefully for him to now smile down on us.
There will be other dogs in our life, there will be fun, laugh, friendship. And there will be worries, loss and grief. As has there been before. That`s the circle we have to go through, that`s what we all have in common.
- Those of you who have lost a dog (or cat or mouse or hamster or whoever your best friend was) and struggle to move on, those who don`t feel understood by a society that asks you to `just buy another one´...
- Those who do live with a dog that is challenging you because he is burdened with a past without
trust and affection and now struggles fitting in...
- Those who look out for a dog to adopt and feel insecure with the demand to make the right choice for your family, the dog, the organization behind it...
Those who
have gone through any of this in the past or looking into a future facing those experiences...
... please feel invited to write a comment, share your thoughts on our social media channels or send us a personal email. We are not only here to talk, we are also here to listen.
Buddy goes bananas is more then just sharing stories of our dog because we think he is cute.
Buddy goes bananas was started to create a chance for each dog to become a bit healthier and to be understood a bit better.
It`s a story of a dog that wasn`t made for our society and that in the end made our life so much richer. Buddy`s story is supposed to show how perfect your world can be with a dog that doesn`t just like that fit in everywhere. And how easy it is to make his small world a perfect place.
And that`s why, for all the Buddies out there, we will keep on going. We will keep on sharing. We will keep on supporting you with our services. And we will keep on missing our best Buddy.
In the end, we are all just walking each other home. (Quote, Ram Dass)
Thank you, Buddy, that you walked with us on this path.
Thanks, that we could walk you home.